Why are tea rooms so small?


YouTube CEO Neal Mohan, whose title at the time was chief product officer, said on the official blog in February 2022, “Web3 also opens up new opportunities for creators. We believe new technologies like blockchain and NFTs can allow creators to build deeper relationships with their fans.”

The Japanese have a solution for “building deep relationships between individuals.”

It is said that about 450 years ago, Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591), known as the “Sage of Chanoyu,” designed a tea room with a space of only two tatami mats.
It is a very small room that can accommodate only two people.

The entrance is so small that no one is allowed to bring a sword, the soul of the samurai, and no one is allowed to enter the room without stooping.

It is said that Rikyu intentionally made the tea room so small so that they could be free of worldly status differences and have only a “host” and “guest” relationship.

Successive generations of masters of Chanoyu have left many words about the ideal relationship between a “host” and “guest” at Chakai.

Our “Tou Chakai” is an NFT marketplace where advisees who have selected NFTs from advisors can receive advice directly online.

We have made various creative efforts to provide a “a place for serious conversation between Advisor and Advisee”, where Advisor is considered the “host in the Chakai” and Advisee is considered the “guest in the Chakai”.

Even if you are not interested in new technologies like blockchain and NFTs, or old cultures such as tea rooms and Chakai, we would appreciate it if you could visit our site after the launch next month and give us your honest feedback.


Image source: Tou Chakai
Sources of the Nine Rules of Chakai: Yamanoue no Soji “Yamanoue no Soji Ki”, Ii Naosuke “Chanoyu Ichie Shu (Collection on the Oneness of Chanoyu)”, Matsudaira Fumai “Chaso”, Nanbo Soukei “Nanpo Roku (Nanpo Chronicle)” etc., Murata Juko “Kokoro no Shi no Fumi (literally, a writing of the master on my mind).”


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