Site Policy

Date of enactment March 1, 2023
Bilizen Co., Ltd.

This website ( (hereinafter referred to as this "Site") is operated by Bilizen Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). Please read and agree to the following terms and conditions before using this Site.
Please note that this Site Policy is subject to change without notice, so please check the latest version. Please be aware that by using this Site, you are deemed to have agreed to all of the terms and conditions of this Site Policy in effect at the time of your use.


Copyrights and all other intellectual property rights related to the contents of this Site (including but not limited to text, images, illustrations, video, audio and other content, layout, design, site structure, programs, etc. The same shall apply hereinafter) belong to the Company or third parties that have legitimate rights under the copyright laws, relevant treaties and laws of each country. Any use of the content of this Site beyond the scope of "private use" or "quotation" under the Copyright Act or other use specifically permitted by law requires the prior permission of the Company or the copyright holder of the content in question. Without such permission, you may not reproduce, edit, translate, adapt, broadcast, publish, sell, lend, publicly transmit, make transmittable, or otherwise use the contents of this Site.

Image Sources

The following are the sources of the images used on this Site (as of July 2023).
Top Page:
 “Drawings of Mountings of Sutra Scrolls Donated by the Heike Clan to Itsukushima Shrine”, Meiji period, 19th century, Tokyo National Museum Collection
 Important Cultural Property “Tiered Stand with Designs Alluding to "The Tale of Genji"”, Attributed to Hon’ami Koetsu (1558–1637), Edo period, 17th century, Tokyo National Museum Collection   
 Created based on ColBase
 National Treasure “Bound Fan Papers with the "Lotus Sutra"”, Heian period, 12th century, Tokyo National Museum Collection
Company Page:
 “Fans and a Stream”, Attributed to Hon'ami Koetsu (1558–1637), Edo period, 17th century, Tokyo National Museum Collection


All rights to the Company name, names of products and services, logos, etc. displayed on this Site are the property of the Company or the individual rights holders. Except as specifically permitted under the Trademark Law or other laws and regulations, these may not be used without the prior written permission of the Company or the individual right holders.

Other prohibited items

You shall not engage in any of the following activities on this Site:

  • Intentionally registering or providing false information.
  • Any act that infringes on the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, honor, trust, privacy or other rights or legally protected interests of the Company or any third party.
  • Acts that defame or slander individuals or organizations.
  • Any act that violates or may violate laws, ordinances, or public order and morals.
  • Acts of obstructing the operation of this Site or the Company's business by repeatedly making inquiries without justifiable reason or by any other means.

About Links

In principle, you are free to link to this Site. The URL to be used for the link should be "" and clearly indicate that the link is to the website of the Company. Please note that the Company reserves the right to change the URL or discontinue the operation of this Site.
In addition, the Company may request that you discontinue linking to this Site if the website from which you are linking contains information that is illegal, offensive to public order and morals, contains content that defames the Company, employees, directors and other members of the Company and services, or if the Company reasonably deems that the website is to be contrary to this Site Policy or the intent of this Site management, or depending on the method of your linking, etc..

Recommended Environment

1. About OS and Browsers:
This Site is optimized for the following operating environments. Please note that some functions may not be available or pages may not display properly if you use this Site in other environments.

  • Google Chrome latest version
  • Microsoft Edge latest version
Smart phone:
  • Google Chrome latest version
  • Safari latest version

2. About JavaScript:
This Site uses JavaScript for some services. The Company recommends that you enable JavaScript in your browser settings in order to use all content.

Handling of Personal Information
Please check the Company's Privacy Policy.

About Cookies

The Company uses cookies on some of our pages for the purpose of providing convenient functions and collecting statistical information on browsing conditions to make this Site more user-friendly. However, cookies are not used in conjunction with Personal Information for any other purposes. The information stored in cookies alone cannot be used to identify individual users. You can change your browser settings to refuse cookies or to display a warning when cookies are received, but please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the services on this Site.

Statistical Use of Information

Based on the opinions and inquiries the Company receives from users, we may compile statistical data in a format that does not identify individuals and use such data.


Although the contents of this Site are based on information and data that are believed to be reliable up to the time of creation, the Company assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of such contents, information and data. Please note that the information, file names, etc. on this Site are subject to change, modification, deletion, etc. without prior notice. The Company makes no warranty that the functions of this Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that this Site or server is free of computer viruses or other harmful components. The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from the use of or inability to use this Site.
In addition, this Site may contain links to external websites (hereinafter referred to as each "linked site"). Please note that the terms of use, etc., stipulated for each linked site shall apply to each linked sites, regardless of whether or not the Company is the operator of each linked sites.

Act of God

The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by viruses that cannot be prevented by ordinary anti-virus measures, natural disasters, or other causes beyond the Company's control.

Disputes, etc.

1. Governing law and jurisdiction:
Use of this Site and the interpretation and application of this Site Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising from or in connection with the use of this Site.

2. Our response:
In the event that you use this Site in violation of this Site Policy or the purpose of the Company's operation of this Site, the Company may take necessary legal action, suspend your use of this Site, or take any other action deemed necessary by the Company.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the Company using the Contact Form located on this Site.